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Do You Have a Happy File?

Everyone needs a happy file!

If you don’t have one yet, read on to learn about the benefits of keeping a collection of positive messages that you can turn to whenever you need a little boost of happiness and encouragement.

A file folder with a happy face on it.

Years ago, I was having one of those days at work. Perhaps you know the kind, where you wonder if you shouldn’t have chosen a career in, say, raising dachshunds.

It was a period of time when I couldn’t seem to get any traction with my projects, and everything seemed doomed to fail — have you ever felt like that?

On a whim during that grim afternoon, I decided to create a file folder in my office that would someday, eventually, hold good things.

I took out my yellow highlighter, drew a big smiley face on the folder, and made a label that read, “HAPPY!”

Over the years, whenever I received a note of praise or encouragement, I tucked it in the file. Over the years I accumulated a collection of heartfelt thank you notes, letters from happy clients, sweet cards from friends — and wonderful e-mails from some of you.

My Happy File is nearly overflowing since I first created it.

Thank you notes and letters | Happy Simple Living blog

If I’m feeling discouraged, or if I find myself aimlessly Googling “breeding dachshunds,” all I have to do is take a look at the contents of my Happy File and I instantly feel uplifted.

5 Reasons to Make a Happy File

If you’re considering making a Happy File, you can create a physical file to save notes, cards, and letters, or you can create a digital version with emails, screenshots, or digital notes. Here are some benefits:

  1. Boosts Mood and Motivation: When you receive words of encouragement, they act as positive reinforcements. Having a dedicated file to revisit during tough times can instantly boost your mood, provide motivation, and remind you of your accomplishments and the positive impact you’ve had on others.
  2. Stress Reduction: Life can be challenging, and the Happy File provides a physical repository of positive experiences and kind words. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, taking a moment to read through your Happy File can help reduce anxiety and put things in perspective.
  3. Builds Resilience: During difficult periods, it’s natural to question ourselves and our abilities. The Happy File becomes a tangible reminder of your strengths and past successes. It reinforces your resilience by demonstrating that you’ve overcome challenges in the past and can do so again.
  4. Promotes Gratitude: Reading through the Happy File fosters a sense of gratitude. It allows you to appreciate the people who have supported and encouraged you along the way. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can improve our overall sense of well-being.
  5. Acts as a Self-Care Ritual: Taking time to review your Happy File is an opportunity to engage in positive reflection and self-appreciation. This act of self-compassion can help you recharge and approach future challenges with a more optimistic outlook.

How About You?

Do you have a Happy File? Perhaps you’d like to try this idea. If you prefer, you could create a Happy File on your computer or mobile device and scan or photograph the good stuff that comes your way.

Over time as you watch for positive messages, I predict you’ll see how often you are making a difference. Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves that people notice and appreciate the good things we do.

And if we fail, I hear that dachshund puppies are in high demand.

P.S. Need short term encouragement? You might try keeping a Victory List.

About Eliza Cross

Eliza Cross is the author of 17 books, including Small Bites and 101 Things To Do With Bacon. She shares ideas to simplify cooking, gardening, time and money. She is also the owner of Cross Media, Inc. and founder of the BENSA Bacon Lovers Society.

4 thoughts on “Do You Have a Happy File?”

  1. When I was in fourth grade my teacher once sent a note about how great and helpful I’d been in class that day. It meant so much to me that I remember it 30+ years later. So it stands to reason that a file of notes like this would be a priceless treasure. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea!

  2. Pingback: The Importance Of Positive Messages - Money Beagle

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